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Beware of these 5 holiday scams

Cyber Guy

I know you must be very busy these days. You probably have a lot to do, like preparing food, visiting family and friends, and shopping for gifts. Although it’s a fun and festive time of year, it can also be stressful.

And you know who loves to take advantage of that stress? Scammers. They are always looking for ways to trick you and steal your money or personal information. They have some sneaky tricks up their sleeves, especially around the holidays. That’s why I want to warn you about 5 of the most common scams you might encounter during this season and how to protect yourself.


5 common money scams to watch out

1. Package delivery scam

With the holiday season in full swing, the end-of-year sales have begun and you probably have already started your holiday shopping and expecting packages coming via different types of delivery services like FedEx, UPS, or USPS. So if you receive a text that mentions a package delivery, you may be likely to easily fall for a scam.


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