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Robot vs. Robot: PayPal Taps AI/ML in Battle Against Fraudsters, Chargebacks and Passwords

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are helping merchants and online platforms get smarter about detecting risk.

The bad guys have high tech too. Deepfakes are gaining ground, along with synthetic identities. Major payments players are fighting back with a unity of sophisticated AI, ML and a mountain of data that outsmarts cyberthieves before they score.

Think of it as robot versus robot.

As PayPal’s Arthi Rajan Makhija, senior vice president of global fraud risk, digital identity and Platform-as-a-Service, told PYMNTS, the stakes are high.

“In this incredible acceleration to digital commerce that we have seen, particularly in the last two years since COVID, many different types of consumers are coming online for the first time,” she said. “You have the traditional, tech-savvy, educated consumer base. But we also have a consumer base coming online that doesn’t typically interact much in a digital ecosystem.”


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