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Why Refunds Are The New Chargeback

It used to be an uncommon occurrence with a funny name, a misdemeanor of the digital-first era — but porch pirates aren’t so funny anymore.

That little trend is now a serious matter, with one in five Americans losing a package to theft since the pandemic started to the tune of an average of $106 per consumer. With eCommerce expected to continue its inexorable climb through the holiday season, it’s open season on open porches.

Porch pirates are unfortunately a very real part of the holiday shopping season. Kount’s Chief Customer Experience Officer Rich Stuppy told Karen Webster that porch piracy is one of the easier crimes to commit. A really organized pirate will follow Amazon trucks, mark the houses where big packages are getting dropped off and (with the help of an accomplice) make a second pass to run out and snatch a package in about 15 seconds.


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