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New check fraud scheme makes victims think they’ve won big


PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) ─ Nearly one week ago, David Hammond received a letter in the mail that claimed he’d won $250,000 from the North America Consumer Promotion Draw.

At first, Hammond said he was excited of the possibility, but knew something wasn’t right.

“On that particular notice that I received, there were three different addresses,” he said.

The letter came from what appears to be a financial express company. A check was also enclosed with the letter for processing and insurance fees.

“You cash the check put it in your bank account and then you send them a check for the $2,000,” Hammond explained. “The bank clears everything fine, you think, ‘Oh great it’s legit.'”

But Hammond said the check never actually clears, and two weeks later, another letter arrives in the mail, this time from the bank.


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