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Fraud in the Time of COVID-19

D Magazine - HealthCare Fraud

There is no question employers across Texas and the nation with self-funded healthcare plans will see increases in the cost of covering sick employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. What they want to avoid is increases due to fraud, waste and abuse. Existing areas of vulnerability in our healthcare system could be ripe for additional fraud and abuse when the country is in crisis mode.

With reduced oversight to improve accessibility to treatment during the pandemic, fraudulent billing could slip through easier than ever. Bad actors – those already committing fraud within the system – see every tragedy as an opportunity. We have seen evidence of the high prevalence of suspect billing long before the pandemic. As reported by D CEO Healthcare in December 2019, the City of Fort Worth took immediate action after identifying nearly $9 million in unnecessary spend over a 2-year period in its employee health claims. Even without a global health pandemic, fraud and abuse can be found in every employer’s healthcare claims.


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