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Navy Awards Blockchain Contract, Crypto Loyalty Programs Advance, Australia Releases Blockchain Strategy, US Warns on Crypto AML and Continues Enforcement

A press release late last week announced that blockchain startup SIMBA Chain has been awarded a five-year, $9.5 million contract with the U.S. Navy “to deploy a secure, blockchain-based messaging and transaction platform, a critical need of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).” The contract is a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III contract that is a follow-on to an earlier contract for a working prototype. In the Phase III contract, SIMBA Chain “will focus on commercialization and full-scale implementation of the platform.”

In other enterprise news, a major U.S. bank and a leading U.S. blockchain development firm are reportedly engaged in discussions related to a potential merger between the blockchain development firm, which focuses on Ethereum applications, and the bank’s unit focused on the Quorum blockchain. According to another recent report, Hedera Hashgraph, an emerging proof-of-stake public/permissioned network, has selected the cloud service of a major U.S.-based technology firm to deploy its Hedera network. As part of the announcement, Hedera Hashgraph revealed that the cloud service provider has also joined the Hedera Governing Council, which governs the ongoing development of the Hedera network.


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