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Is No-Factor Authentication Digital Security’s Future?

For a great example of an attempt at security that does much more to annoy legitimate consumers than to actually fend off fraudsters, look no further than CAPTCHA. Though not quite as ubiquitous as it was a few years ago, the challenge-based verification tool asks users to prove their non-bot status by identifying every photograph with a crosswalk, or pinpointing a number drawn crudely in crayon, or completing any number of familiar visual puzzles that are theoretically easy for a human to solve, but that go beyond what a bot can be programmed to do.

Theoretically – but not actually. As any consumer who has ever cursed their way through a series of CAPTCHA tests can attest, they aren’t always that easy to solve. And, as DataVisor’s CEO and Co-founder Yinglian Xie told PYMNTS, they aren’t actually all that hard for computers to beat.

“When we put these detection mechanisms in the space, we have to take a holistic view of what is going to drive security, but also reduce friction,” Xie said. “So before we add another layer of authentication, we should ask, is this actually going to serve a purpose or solve our problem?”


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