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COMMENTARY: How Mobile-App Testing Can Stop Three Common Types of E-Commerce Fraud

Digital Transactions

In the race to attract and retain today’s always-on, mobile-savvy consumer, most companies are developing their own e-commerce apps at a fast and furious pace. But small glitches, and even major mishaps, can occur when app testing is rushed or overlooked altogether, leading to unhappy consumers, lost sales, and a higher risk of the potential for e-commerce fraud.

The rush to launch apps often leads to shortcuts or, worse yet, no testing at all. And when consumers download and use untested apps, they unknowingly open themselves, and the companies providing the apps, to cyber-attacks and payment fraud. According to a 2018 article from The Verge, Google actually removed more than 700,000 bad Android apps from the Google Play Store in 2017 to prevent Android users from downloading them.


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