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Lake City Reveals It Suffered a ‘Triple Threat’ Ransomware Attack

The State of Security

The City of Lake City has confirmed that a “Triple Threat” ransomware attack affected the functionality of several of its computer systems.

According to its Facebook statement, the Floridian municipality became the target of a ransomware program known as “Triple Threat” on 10 June 2019. This malware allegedly combined three different attack vectors to target the City’s systems.

Ultimately, the program succeeded in disrupting Lake City’s ability to provide many of its public services. The ransomware brought down all municipality email systems, for instance. It also rendered most landline phones inoperable.

Even so, the attack failed to affect any Public Safety networks, as Lake City previously isolated and protected those assets using encryption. The ransomware attack therefore did not affect any of the City’s emergency services.


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